MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume with “structure needs cleaning”
MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume with “structure needs cleaning”
2:02:45 PM Warning Failed Mount |
Find the block volume:
From targetcli ls:
| o- blockvol_3bf564d2e026d332818b95a8e6c534b2 [vol_233afdbb99425b720167aa3e39bacad2@XX.XX.XX.XX/block-store/3eeb31cf-3289-4052-a690-5831f6aac34a (98.0GiB) activated] |
Mount the block host volume:
# mount -t glusterfs localhost:vol_233afdbb99425b720167aa3e39bacad2 /mnt |
# cd /mnt # cd block-store # ls 3eeb31cf-3289-4052-a690-5831f6aac34a |
Run xfs_repair on 3eeb31cf-3289-4052-a690-5831f6aac34a, using the “-L’ option if necessary
# xfs_repair -L 3eeb31cf-3289-4052-a690-5831f6aac34a |
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